Lorenzo Setale

Contact Me

Feel free to contact me!
Here is a list of social networks, email addresses and useful sites to reach out to me.

✉️ eMail 🦣 Mastodon 📷 Instagram 🦊 GitLab 🐙 GitHub 💼 LinkedIn

OpenPG/GPG Keys 🔑

If you are going to send me an email, I would prefer to use GnuPG/OpenPGP signed and encrypted messages.

Fingerprint Comment
5889 502B FB12 D0B5 295F Main Key
8B70 020F 4A4E 40F9 5228 (Revoked, Proton)

Buy me a drink! 🍺

If you think my help and contributions are nice, I would appreciate a drink. I live in Copenhagen, feel free to reach out if you want to meet!

Here are some options in case we can't meet:
Revolut, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin

Download this page signature here